Meet Rosie Gordon. A fourteen-year-old with mysterious powers who has been recently uprooted from her home on Earth when her deadbeat dad moved her family to the newly habitable Uranus. However, Uranus does not turn out to be all that the holo-brochure has promised....
Meet Uranus. One of the original gods who was castrated by his son and cast into obscurity. Powerless and teste-less, Uranus, with the help of his three demigod sons, has a plan to regain his strength....
Welcome to Uranus (the planet, not the god), a world that was accidentally created on purpose. It is a planet covered in moss, overrun by wild pug grumbles, and under the thumb of a nefarious mining company that lures desperate people with the promise of riches only to enslave them and their children. It's kind of a bummer....
Join Rosie and her friends in her quest to discover the root of her powers, to overthrow the ruthless mining company, and to get the best slice of pizza on all of Uranus.
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