Upside Down Easter


Things didn’t quite go according to plan, but all in all it turned out to be a good day I think. My wife’s bingo gig was cancelled due to no one showing up, so instead we strolled over to Saba in our neighborhood and had a drink at the bar. It was too nice a day not to at least go out for a bit, and their windows were open so the people watching was nice.

We attempted an Easter photo shoot with the girls. We had each had a drink, and our girls don’t exactly behave under the best of circumstances, and then another couple came along and asked if they could take a picture, and in all the hubbub we kind of lost track of who was holding which leash, so when a man and his little terrier walked by, Sushi got away and attacked. Luckily, even though she can be pure evil, she only had like, three teeth left, so I don’t think any harm was done.

And then inside to shame the dogs and get dinner ready. I didn’t take any pictures of the nachos, but they were pretty great.


The night before we had rented Holmes and Watson and then promptly fell asleep watching it. We thought we were just too tired, but when we re-watched it Easter afternoon, it was equally as wearisome. It reminds me of a later movie from a once funny director, where you want to give them some leeway for a career well’s worth of good decisions. But this director is relatively young, and the actors are still capable of good work ,so really there was no excuse for this mess.

And then Game of Thrones!

So, am I the only one who thinks if your main bad guy can raise the dead, maybe hiding all the women and children in the crypt is a bad idea? Maybe we will get to see Ned Stark again.
